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Rattlesnake Removers
When Heather Ramirez of Auburn, California, went to the dentist recently with her husband Len, . She and her husband are professional snake removers. They were there to catch and return to the wild a rattlesnake .
Studies show these snakes generally only bite people .  Keeping your distance prevents bites, which are serious but not usually fatal with today’s medicines. A rattlesnake can even give a loud warning that says, “I am here, stay away” with the rattles located at the tip of its tail.
“We find rattlesnakes everywhere,” says Ramirez. “In houses, in yards and woodpiles, under decks.” She says — it’s the other way around: “These animals were here first, and we humans came in and built houses. We are living in their territory.”
Many people are frightened when they see a rattler and call for help right away. When the Ramirez’ phone rings, the couple drops whatever they are doing and rushes to work, .
The team is good at catching snakes . A tool that looks like long spaghetti tongs allows them to handle snakes without harming them. Heather Ramirez and her husband relocate more than a thousand snakes a year, letting them go far away from human activity.
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