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There is the myth about the weather in Great Britain. Most people believe that it rains all the time in London, but this is not true. It rains just as much in many other European countries as it does in Britain. In fact, Hamburg in the north of Germany gets more rain than London in the south of Great Britain. November and December is the wettest months in England, but the British weather is difficult to predict. Sometimes it rains during the summer. In winter it often snows too, especially in the north of the British Isles, in Scotland. But it doesn't last very long in the middle and in the south part of Great Britain. Regional climates are influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and latitude. Northern Ireland, Wales and western parts of England and Scotland, being closest to the Atlantic Ocean, are generally the mildest, wettest and windiest regions of the UK, and temperature ranges here are seldom extreme. Eastern areas are drier, cooler, and less windy, and also experience the greatest daily and seasonal temperature variations. Northern areas are generally cooler and wetter, and have slightly larger temperature ranges than southern areas. During the summer, there can sometimes be a large difference in temperature between the far north of Scotland (including its islands) and the south-east of England – often a difference of 10-15°C but sometimes as much as 20°C or more. In the height of summer the Northern Isles can have temperatures around 15°C, while the areas around London reach 36°C However, Britain is warmer than other northern countries such as Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Britain is even warmer than countries within the same latitude as the British Isles, such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The weather in the UK is warmer because of the warm air that comes from the Atlantic and due to warm waters of the North Atlantic Current, also known as North Atlantic Drift.
Read the statements and write 'Yes', 'No' or 'Doesn't say'.
(Прочитай твердження і напиши "Так", "Ні" або "Не знаю").
1. Britain is warmer than the USA. —
2. November is one of the wettest months in England. —
3. The air from the Atlantic Ocean influences the weather in Britain. —
4. It is true, that in England rains all the time. —
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