Read the description of the room and choose if the statement is 'True', 'False' or there isn't information about that – 'Doesn't say'.
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Our Living Room
It’s the largest room in our house. There’s a coloured sofa at one side of the room and opposite it there’s a TV set. There’s a round glass coffee table in front of the sofa and it’s between two armchairs. There’s a fashionable carpet on the floor and some old paintings on the walls. Opposite the window there’s a fireplace with two candles on the mantelpiece. There are some antique and expensive things on the shelves of the modern cabinet.
1. The sofa is in plain colour – grey. 
2. There are three paintings in the room. 
3. The coffee table is made of glass. 
4. The fireplace is made of bricks. 
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