Read the descriptions of the words – rooms – and write them.
(Прочитайте описи і напишіть назви кімнат або приміщень!)
1. the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof, often used for storing things
2. a room used for sleeping in
3. a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet in it
4. a room used for reading and writing in a person’s home
5. the room just inside the main entrance of a house, apartment, or other building that leads to other rooms and usually to the stairs
6. a room in which meals are eaten
7. a room intended for children to play in
8. a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house
Write out the letters
1st word 4th letter —
2nd word last letter —
3rd word 2nd letter —
4th word 2nd letter —
5th word 1st letter —
6th word 8th letter —
7th word last letter —
8th word last letter —
Write the sentence from the letters. Keep the order of the letters.
(Складіть речення, використовуючи подані літери! Дотримуйтесь порядку літер!)
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