Watch the video. Write one word or number in each gap.
(Подивись відео. Впиши по одному слову або числу в кожну клітинку!)
At the passport control
Susan (S) is talking to Passport Control officer (O) and answering her questions about her stay at the US.
Зверни увагу!
Don't forgot about capital letters at the beginning of the sentences.
O: Good evening, ma'am. S: Good . O: Where are you arriving from? S: From . O: What's the purpose of your visit? S: Business. I'm here for a . O: How long are you staying in the US? S: A . O: Where are you staying? S: In San Francisco, at the Pacific View Hotel. O: Do you know anybody here? S: Yes. Mark Ryder. O: Is he family or a ? S: He's a colleague and a friend. O: Do you have his number? S: Yes. His mobile is 4565718. O: Is this your first visit to the US? S: Yes, it is. O: Enjoy your in San Francisco. S: Thank you.
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