Read the dialog.
(Прочитай діалог і виправ помилки в реченнях!)
Sally: Dug, your bedroom is a mess! Can you tidy it, please!
Dug: Sorry, Sally. Today's Monday. On Mondays I always go to the museum.
Sally: How about tomorrow?
Dug: Tuesday isn't a good day. I have guitar playing lessons.
Sally: OK. Wednesday.
Dug: I usually have dinner with uncle Roberto on Wednesdays.
Sally: Thursday? Friday? Saturday?
Dug: I'm often busy these days. On Thursday I visit my aunt and uncle. On Friday I play football for my school team. And on Saturdays we always hang out with our friends.
Sally: How about Sunday?
Dug: But Sunday is my only free day!
Sally: Not this Sunday!
Correct the sentences.
(Виправ помилки!)
  1. It's Tuesday.

  2. Dug plays the guitar on Thursdays.

  3. Dug plays baseball for the school team.
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