Play the game "The snake". Find 3 words, that is related with clothes or footwear, in the line. Write them out.
(Знайди 3 слова в ряду букв, які пов'язані з одягом або взуттям! Запиши їх!)
Зверни увагу!
Separate the words with commas and gaps.
Be careful! There are some unnecessary letters.
Words, which are in pairs, are plural! e.g. gloves, trousers
esjacketdrimittensynybelt — jacket, mittens, belt
1. wlhoodieuianorakjoeveningdressth
2. ratightsldnightgownrestockingsth
3. thflip-flopsurslip-onshoesmavestrc
4. dawellingtonsysahighheelsturvestda
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