Read the text and answer the questions choosing if the statement is true or false.
(Прочитайте текст і дайте відповіді на запитання, вибираючи, чи є твердження правдивим або неправдивим!)
I'm Edwin and this is my family. My parents got married 23 years ago. Two years later my sister Tina was born. Then I was born three years after that. I've also got a brother, Steve, who is two years younger than me, so there was five of us in my family two years ago. But not now, because my sister got married last year. Her husband's name is Luke. Now they have babies – daughter Tess and son John. They are twins and only some months old.
1. Tina's mother has one son. —
2. Steve has a niece. —
3. Edwin is Steve's oldest brother. —
4. Luke is older than Tina. —
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