Read the letter.
(Прочитай лист!)
Dear Tom,
Hi! How are you? I'm fine. Today I want to tell you about my class project.
Our teacher asked us to make class survey about our pets. Actually we have a lot of pets in class.
So I've got two dogs as you know – Hunter and Lilly. My best friend Oliver has got a dog Strider and a cat Felix. Silvia has got an aquarium at home and there are eleven goldfish in it.
Betty and Tess are twins. They've got a dog, a Dalmatian called Peach and a guinea pig. But their friend Phil has got two cats.
We asked our teacher about her pets, too. And she said that she's got at home two parrots and a tortoise.
Can you count our pets? And what about you? Do you have a pet? Write soon!
Best wishes,
Now count the pets and fill the table.
(Порахуй домашніх тварин і заповни таблицю!)
Зверни увагу!
Записуй числа словами!
(Домашня тварина)
 guinea pigs
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