Read the descriptions and match with the animal . In the answer write the letters A, B, C, D, E or F.
(Прочитай описи і зістав їх з тваринами! У відповідях пиши літери A, B, C, D, E або F).
A a bear
B a goat
C a tomcat
D a pig
E a hamster
F a bat
1. a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies at night
2. a large, strong wild mammal with a thick fur coat that lives especially in colder parts of Europe, Asia, and North America; it is an omnivore, it eats insects, snails, fish, berries etc.
3. an animal related to sheep that usually has horns and a beard. They are kept on farms to provide milk, meat, wool, etc.
4. a small male animal with fur, four legs, a tail, and claws, usually kept as a pet or for catching mice
5. a large pink, brown, or black farm animal with short legs and a curved tail, kept for its meat
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