Watch the video and write in the missing information – one word.
(Подивись відео і доповни інформацію, якої бракує - одним словом!)
Зверни увагу!
Where it is necessary, stop the video.
1. Well, they may not look alike, but they’re all birds, and have many in common.
2. The females lay the eggs in nests, in the or on the ground.
3. Also, nature, which is very clever, has made their hollow, so they weigh very little, and because of this it’s much easier for them to fly.
4. Birds have four limbs; the back ones are legs and the front ones are .
5. Birds have four of feathers: those that cover the whole body; flight feathers in the wings that help them to fly; ...
6. Within the group of carnivores there are insectivores, that only eat insects, and piscivores that only feed on .
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