Listen to the text and write the correct prepositions into the extracts from the conversation.
Abidemi talks about her favorite teachers and what made him special.
1. Abidemi: Sure. I think I’ve had many, many great teachers. I’ve been really blessed in that way. Thinking back now, I remember my teacher when I was in primary 6 in Nigeria, actually. His name was Mr. Oleaer. And this teacher was a math and science teacher. And I think the best thing about him was he really took a personal interest    all of us.
2. Abidebi: He mentored - he was like a mentor. He came to me, and he was wondering what I wanted to be   the future and he made some suggestions because of the scores I had in his class. And to this day, I still remember him.
3. Jeremy: And what I always really - when I look back and think    teachers that made a difference, it was teachers that recognized students’ weakness and tried to counsel them or to sort of—in my case, it was that I was a very, very shy person.
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