Task 1 (12 points)

Read the text. Choose a heading for each section of the text from the list. Note that there are more headings than needed. Use each heading only once. An example (0) has been given.
Do you love to read? Do you never know what you want to read? If you have the right information, it is easy to choose a book. Here are some tips on how to choose a good book.
0. Decide what genre of books you like
Sci-fi, adventure, mystery, non-fiction, fiction or realistic fiction?

Often good books will be quietly lying in your own home collecting dust. Maybe you just forgot about one.

Grab anything that seems interesting off the shelves, check it out, and read it! You will be surprised at what you like.

This may sound like strange advice, but the books you see at the top of the charts may not exactly be the most exciting. It can be just an advertising campaign to sell a book.

It usually summarizes what happens in the story and can give you a valuable first impression. There you will find some positive comments about the book’s content and style.

Of course, if you have many books, this can take a long time, but reading the beginning of a book can help you know what books and genres of books you like.

Find books by authors you have enjoyed in the past. Chances are they will have another publication that you will also enjoy, and by searching by authors, you can get more of the same types of books that the author wrote.

If three people have told you not to read this book, that is it. If you know that the book is boring or too confusing, do not waste your time.

Friends or family with whom you have things in common can often make excellent book suggestions. Then you can talk about what they liked about it and share your thoughts. Local, small bookstores often have wonderful proposals, too.

Read the bestseller lists and find out which new books are making headlines, and why.
You will meet with fellow literature fans, pick a novel to read, and then report back after a few weeks. This is also a good way to meet people who can share their favourite books with you.

If you prefer book 1 over book 2, put book 2 back. Keep doing this until you decide upon the books you will certainly enjoy because you just cannot read all the books you see.

There are plenty of these events in towns and cities. You can go along to these literature conventions and meet authors and talk to them directly about their books.
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